Simple Coroutines in C++

Recently i was interested in how I could implement a simple coroutine solution in C++. I wanted to use it for StarCraft AI Development.

I tried to find a solution for coroutines in c++ that was simple and easy to use. I found the cross platform fibers/coroutines in c++ library that seemed nice but was old, so i continued looking. They mentioned boost::execution_context as a portable alternative so I decided to give that a try.

The interface for boost::execution_context seemed simple enough so I used that to implement a simple coroutine class around it.

To implement a coroutine with my solution one just has to derive from the Coroutine class and override the run() method. One can use the yield() method to yield the current coroutine. When the coroutine is resumed with resume() it continues after the last yield() call. A coroutine can also be aborted with abort(). In that case the last yield() will throw CoroutineAbortedException() and make sure that the stack is unwound and return from the coroutine.

Example coroutine:

class MyCoroutine : public Coroutine {
  virtual void run() override
    std::cout << 1 << endl;
    std::cout << 2 << endl;
    std::cout << 3 << endl;

Example usage:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  MyCoroutine c;
  while (c.resume() != CoroutineStatus::Running)


Full source code for the Coroutine implementation:

#pragma once

#include <boost/context/execution_context.hpp>

struct CoroutineAbortedException : std::exception
  const char *what() const throw()
    return "CoroutineAbortedException";

enum CoroutineStatus

class Coroutine {
  CoroutineStatus status_;
  boost::context::execution_context<int> source_;
  boost::context::execution_context<int> sink_;

    source_ = boost::context::execution_context<int>([this](boost::context::execution_context<int> sink, int)
      sink_ = std::move(sink);
      status_ = CoroutineStatus::Running;

      try { this->run(); }
      catch (CoroutineAbortedException&) { }

      status_ = CoroutineStatus::Finished;
      return std::move(sink_);

    status_ = Running;

  CoroutineStatus status() { return status_; }

  CoroutineStatus resume()
    if (status_ != CoroutineStatus::Running)
      return status_;

    auto result = source_(0);
    source_ = std::move(std::get<0>(result));

    return status_;

  void abort()
    if (status_ != CoroutineStatus::Running)

    auto result = source_(1);
    source_ = std::move(std::get<0>(result));

  void yield()
    auto result = (sink_)(0);
    sink_ = std::move(std::get<0>(result));
    if (std::get<1>(result) == 1)
      throw CoroutineAbortedException();

  virtual void run() = 0;