Memoization in C#

Memoization is a technique for improving performance by caching the return values of expensive function calls. In this post I show how you can use this technique in C#.

A typical example to illustrate the effectiveness of memoization is the computation of the fibonacci sequence.

Func<int, int> fib = null;
fib = n => n > 1 ? fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) : n;

// Without memoization
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

// Memoize function
fib = fib.Memoize();

// With memoization
sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)



A simple way to apply the memoization as a refactoring could be the following:


public object Function(int value)
  object result;
  // ... expensive code ...
  return result;


private Func<int, object> functionMemo;

public object Function(int value)
  if (functionMemo == null)
    functionMemo = Memoizer.Memoize<int, object>((v) =>
      // Here comes the original code

      object result;
      // ... expensive code ...
      return result;

  return functionMemo(value);

To use the Memoizer class and extension methods you need the code below. The code allows one to memoize functions that have no parameters or just one parameter. If you want to memoize functions with more parameters you could refactor the function first to take a single Tuple as argument and than use the memoizer on that function.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Memoize
  public static class Memoizer
    public static Func<R> Memoize<R>(Func<R> func)
      object cache = null;
      return () =>
        if (cache == null)
          cache = func();
        return (R)cache;

    public static Func<A, R> Memoize<A, R>(Func<A, R> func)
      var cache = new Dictionary<A, R>();
      return a =>
        if (cache.TryGetValue(a, out R value))
          return value;
        value = func(a);
        cache.Add(a, value);
        return value;

    public static Func<A, R> ThreadSafeMemoize<A, R>(Func<A, R> func)
      var cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<A, R>();
      return argument => cache.GetOrAdd(argument, func);

  public static class MemoizerExtensions
    public static Func<R> Memoize<R>(this Func<R> func)
      return Memoizer.Memoize(func);

    public static Func<A, R> Memoize<A, R>(this Func<A, R> func)
      return Memoizer.Memoize(func);

    public static Func<A, R> ThreadSafeMemoize<A, R>(this Func<A, R> func)
      return Memoizer.ThreadSafeMemoize(func);